Argon Plasam ESU are also be Used in Respiratory Department

2024/03/11 10:18

Argon Plasam ESU are also be Used in Respiratory Department

The department with the most widespread application of Argon Plasam ESU is the digestive department, and it is also the department with the most purchases of Argon Plasam ESU. In fact, Argon Plasam ESU can be applied in many departments, such as open surgery, minimally invasive gastrointestinal endoscopy surgery, respiratory surgery, and proctology surgery.

There are two ways to treat with Argon Plasam ESU. The first approach is through flexible bronchoscopy under local anesthesia, which is generally used for the treatment of diseases such as mild bleeding, mild benign or malignant bronchial tumors, stenosis caused by bronchial lesions, and early bronchogenic lung cancer. This treatment requires patients to have sufficient respiratory reserve and be able to cooperate with the treatment. 

The second approach is through rigid bronchoscopy under general anesthesia, and its main indications include proliferative airway stenosis and granulomatous obstruction, severe speckled airway stenosis, severe airway bleeding after biopsy, and benign and malignant main airway diseases with obvious clinical symptoms.

Choose based on the patient's health status, airway lesions, and intervention techniques. Prepare bronchoscopy according to surgical needs.

Argon Plasam ESU

Argon Plasam ESU

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